Full list of cognitive biases etc.


When I posted about the outgroup homogeneity bias, someone in chat said she was interested in seeing the whole list the blogger I’d mentioned had posted.

The original blogger posted several things, and provided these links: List of Cognitive Biases, Cognitive Distortions, Woundology, and Maladaptive Schemas. The outgroup homogeneity bias was on the list of cognitive biases.

The cognitive biases and cognitive distortions seem to me more clear-cut and less fuzzy than woundology and maladaptive schemas, although there’s some important points made in the last two as well. The woundology and maladaptive schemas articles make important points but seem more approximated and force-fit than the first two.

About Mel Baggs

Hufflepuff. Came from the redwoods, which tell me who I am and where I belong in the world. I relate to objects as if they are alive, but as things with identities and properties all of their own, not as something human-like. Culturally I'm from a California Okie background. Crochet or otherwise create constantly, write poetry and paint when I can. Proud member of the developmental disability self-advocacy movement. I care a lot more about being a human being than I care about what categories I fit into.

7 responses »

  1. http://www.johnwilliamwaterhouse.com/paintings/painting1362.aspx

    I was going nuts trying to figure out the name and artist of the painting at the top of the overcomingbias.com blog… it’s not as important as bias, though. Cognitive biases are fascinating, thanks for the links, if you can get an old “Social Psychology” textbook, or a new one… there’s lots of interesting stuff about how people interact and make decisions about each other.

  2. The list of cognitive biases seems more descriptive and specific to circumstances than the one word “stereotypes”/”abstractions” of woundology or maladaptive schemas.

    Seems there is also overlap to general fallacies but with the fallacy being more a result of personal interference. Some woundology seems to be the negative side of this coin:
    which many claim to be better than “MBTI” (which I know a few psychs will swear by)

  3. Hi! I have to tell you your blog is fascinating.

    My nephew is 5 & autisic. So I decided to learn something about autism. What blows my mind is I’ve never thought about going to the source; including going to autistic blogs. I’ve just been reading articles in magazines.

    What a new perspective this is!

    I think I’m going to have to throw out a lot of my assumptions & start over with fresh thinking. I’ve been looking at it from the wrong point of veiw, I think.

  4. Congruence bias – the tendency to test hypotheses exclusively through direct testing.

    I was reading those links and thought this one was so interesting how none of the people could figure out the pattern was just ascending numbers (they all thought it was number + 2.) That’s true there is no way to “directly” figure out the true pattern it had to be done indirectly.

    (Also I’m not sure how everyone gets links to show up, I can just get text to type in the comment box.)

    This post made me think that I wonder how these cognitive biases and (I think it is social psychology sort of stuff) how that would affect people’s views on autism, views on respecting people vs imposing decisions on others, etc.

  5. Yes, I took a class in social psychology and found it fascinating. One of things I found interesting was how much pressure there is for people not to break norms. (I would have thought it didn’t matter as long as it was not harmful in any way!)

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